04 May Zodiac Replaces Battered Flag for Vets
Zodiac PrinterActive donated a brand new American flag to The Veterans Coalition in Pittston, replacing the previous flag which was severely damaged by this past winter’s harsh weather.
Chuck Allabaugh, Sales Manager at Zodiac, drives past the international headquarters of The Veterans Coalition, located in Pittston, PA on his daily commute. He noticed the continued absence of the post’s American flag and assuming the members changed the times they raised and lowered the flag, he thought nothing of it. After a month of not seeing the flag at all, he became curious as to why.
A call was made to Nancy Verespy, the Executive Director of The Veterans Coalition inquiring about the missing flag. According to Mrs. Verespy, the answer was simply that “the winter storms had taken their toll on Old Glory, and she was no longer fit to fly.” Mrs. Verespy asked the caller if he would be interested in making a donation toward the purchase of a new flag for the post. She was assured that a donation would be forthcoming and the call was ended.
Later that day while speaking with Tom Zabroski, President and owner of Zodiac PrinterActive, Mr. Allabaugh mentioned the story of the missing flag. Mr. Zabroski stated “It’s important for us to do an act of kindness for any veteran or veteran’s organization when we can.”
Without a second thought, Mr. Zabroski decided to purchase a new flag and donate it to the Veterans Coalition. “No military post anywhere should be without an American flag. Let’s seize the moment and take care of this right now.” Zabroski’s son Brian, Vice President of Zodiac PrinterActive, is a former Captain in the U.S. Army.
A call was made to Mrs. Verespy to give her the good news regarding the replacement of the flag. She said, “We cannot tell you how grateful we all are for this gesture. Thank you, from all of us and all the veterans.”
On Thursday, April 20, 2015, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, the new flag was presented by Brian Zabroski to Nancy Verespy and The Veterans Coalition.
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